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How do I place an order?

Already found something you love?

In order to help you with your purchase, we prepared a short step-by-step guide below:

  1. Click on the item that you are interested in.
  2. Choose the quantity, size, and color if available. In the product description part, at the bottom of the page, you will be able to find more information about sizing.
  3. Click “Add to cart” if you wish to add more items, or payment button to proceed to the checkout right away.
  4. When you added all wished items to your cart and you are ready to finalize the order, select the “Proceed to checkout” button.
  5. Make sure to log in to your account to shorten the process of providing the contact and shipping information, but also to collect the reward points and use the slider for redeeming the ones you already have.
  • If you are checking out as a guest, please fill in the shipping information.
  1. If you have a discount code, add it to the box on the right side of the checkout page.
  2. Please view acceptable payment methods.When all is set, click “Place Order” to finalize your order,select the corresponding payment method to complete the order payment.
  3. After that, you will receive the confirmation email along with the order number. And as soon as it is processed and shipped, you will receive a new email with the tracking number.

If you need any assistance in placing the order, or if you\’re still on the search for the best items combination, don’t hesitate to contact our amazing team who will be more than happy to help.

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