Horoscope hebdomadaire Poissons (16/12-22/12)
This week, Pisces will open new doors in their relationships.
Pisces may have the opportunity to meet influential and well-known people this week, or perhaps join a powerful community or knowledge-sharing group. This will allow you to understand others’ perspectives and broaden your horizons, helping you improve and grow by learning from others.
À propos de l'amour
Pour les célibataires : This week, you may encounter someone new at work who catches your interest. You could be quick to strike up a conversation and try to understand their feelings, but make sure to consider the practical aspects before diving in. For Pisces who have been involved with someone ambiguously, there could be some misunderstandings around Saturday. If you’re hoping for further development with this person, focus on resolving conflicts carefully to avoid tension.
Pour les personnes en couple : For Pisces in relationships, things will be relatively light and joyful with your partner this week. Both of you will feel free to express yourselves openly, which will help clear up misunderstandings and emotional blockages. If you’re facing important decisions or plans together, try to gauge your partner’s opinions subtly rather than pressuring them for immediate answers, as this could cause stress.
À propos de l'étude
This week, you might set high ideals for yourself and feel more confident about new plans. However, while your vision is strong, you may lack the drive to follow through. If you have a goal you truly want to achieve, it’s important to take practical steps and work diligently toward it.
À propos du travail
In terms of work, Pisces will have quite a bit of freedom this week, with room to explore your ideas and approaches. If you’re given an important task, make sure to clarify the expectations with your manager a few times to avoid miscommunication and ensure you’re on the right track.
À propos de la richesse
This week, Pisces’ investment luck is quite favorable. You can take bold actions in this area and feel confident in pursuing new business ventures. For Pisces in business, the financial outlook is optimistic, and you can expect positive returns.
À propos de la santé
This week, focus on your lymphatic system and hormone balance. Be mindful of taking adequate rest to avoid physical and mental burnout. Pay extra attention to heart health and practice self-care regularly.
Devise des Poissons pour la semaine : “Some things should be done now; when else will you wait?“
Conseils de port :
Bracelet en grenat naturel
Le Grenat C'est une pierre merveilleuse pour la stabilité émotionnelle et elle est idéale pour aider les Poissons à traverser les hauts et les bas émotionnels de cette semaine. Elle protégera également les décisions impulsives et le débordement émotionnel.Pendentif Pixiu en obsidienne
Le Obsidienne est excellent pour se protéger contre l'énergie négative et éliminer les blocages émotionnels, ce qui le rend parfait pour les Poissons lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des défis dans leurs relations et leur travail. Associé au Pixiu, symbole de richesse et de protection, ce pendentif offrira un soutien à la fois émotionnel et financier.Bracelet tressé multicolore Vajra
Ce bracelet représente la force, l'équilibre et la protection, ce qui aidera les Poissons à rester calmes et sereins face à des situations inattendues. Vajra aide à créer une base solide et stable, tandis que le design multicolore apporte de l'harmonie aux fluctuations émotionnelles.- Bracelet de protection en bois de pêcher et lotus
Le Lotus de bois de pêcher Le bracelet offrira aux Poissons une protection et un soutien doux pendant cette semaine chargée et émotionnellement turbulente. Le bois naturel aidera les Poissons à s'ancrer tandis que le Lotus symbolise la pureté et l'éveil spirituel, aidant à maintenir la paix intérieure.